Monday, 15 December 2014

New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

Hi, Helen here!

If you are anything like me, I plan new years resolutions for myself such as; I am going to eat healthier, be happier etc. and about two weeks later I have completely forgotten about these resolutions that I had created in desperation of making my life in the new year better. Yet, every year I make resolutions for my business and usually I succeed. I am not sure if this is because of my dedication  to my work, or the fact that I enjoy what I do. Anyhow, I have decided to share with you my top six priorities for that could be classed as new year resolutions for you business! 

1. Review your business plan! 

One of the most important requirements of a small business owner, like myself is having a business plan. Now, be assured this isn't one that is in my head or scribbled on the back of a scrap piece of paper. This is a proper, well thought out plan of my businesses year. Sometimes, it isn't a full year - just 6 months. Still, it is important to have this so you don't get lost or left behind in the beginning of the new year as your competitors are racing ahead of you with their year already planned.

Now, while this resolution for an entrepreneur might seem simple - the tricky part is keeping it up to date throughout the whole year. If it is kept in a draw in the study, every now and again take it out and blow the dust of it and review what you have planned and update it accordingly. Without a business plan, your business is rudderless; isn't getting any direction. Without a rudder, you run the risk of not focusing on the key activities that need to be undertaken to bring your success. 

2. Crunch the numbers! 

People often forget about the numbers because it isn't their strong suit, in small companies without dedicated in-house accounting this can result to a number of serious problems. You can't measure what you don't measure! It is important to revisit the numbers and fundamentals that are vital to your performance and well-being of the business. 
Also, it is important to brush up on topics such as;
  • Break-even Point
  • Profit Margins (Gross and Net)
  • Cash Flow Forecasts
  • Profit and Loss
  • Sales Forecasts
  • Costs of Sales
The list really does go on and on. It is a tempting thing to delegate the maths to others however you need to understand these concepts and your numbers to know what is happening in your business! 

3. Make your website current! 

in 2014, or 2015 even media coverage is a make or break for your business. Most businesses have a webpage, but do they keep it up to date? I know for myself, it is challenging to keep everyone posted through my website with the current updates or programs and it hard to find time to do it sometimes. But! It is an important aspect of your business and will ultimately get you more customers! 

If you haven't made changes to your website, I encourage you go and do that. Even if it is updating the photos or making a new post! I then say, go and mark specific dates in your diary or calendar to remind you that on that day you are going to spend one hour or so updating your website to make it current! There is nothing worse than going onto a website for a potential business that you are interested thing and everything is a year, or even months old. 

4. Read a business book! 

Although us entrepreneurs are busy people, setting aside the time to sit down and read a particular book in a specific area of your business that you want to improve on can really help you do just that! I have a campaign on my Facebook page called "Books On Helen's Shelf" which I regularly update with books that have given me good insight and knowledge about particular areas of business that I struggled in. So go and check them out on my Facebook page if you are struggling to find a book that will help you. 

5. Become involved in Business Coaching programs. 

Constantly my clients are telling me that signing up to which ever program they did really helped them in all aspects of their business. I run many various types of programs that help benefit you in many areas:
  • Beyond Networking: Its like having your own mini board of directors. Everyone talks about the issues they are facing in their business, or new ideas that they have and we give them feedback. 
  • 7am Pick Me Up Breakfast: A networking breakfasts with new business owners coming in each week. The 7am Brekky gives you the opportunity to sell your business while meeting like minded business people in a fun, social environment. 
  • One-on-One Coaching: A great way to create a more personal experience and ask myself the nitty gritty questions! 
  • The Bean Counter: If you need help with the maths side of your business and want to know how to understand the numbers, then this is the program for you! 
There is more information on our Website about these programs and feel free to Email me with any questions or inquires! 

Sick of not having enough time to get things done?

How often do you hear yourself saying you don't have enough time?

Okay, so if you're not saying it outloud I bet you're thinking it! It is a normal thing to think "I wish I had more time" when you are running your own business. Constantly, clients are telling me that there just isn't enough hours in the day. It is just a face of life that their isn't enough time, their is only 24 hours in a day and if you are like me that isn't enough time to get the things you need done, done! It is also a fact that some people can achieve more in less time! This is due to their attitude. 
"The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitude of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives". Author and Philosopher, William James.
The attitude of "I don't have enough time" doesn't help the having no time situation. If you have a positive outlook, this will be revealed in your actions and life. Not having enough time is just an excuse, it's often easier to say that you don't have enough time than to make changes in your life to accommodate this. It just means that you aren't willing to look further which is lazy business. 
If we use time as an excuse to often it leaves us stuck; it doesn't open up the opportunity to explore what you can do about it. This is where I come in, I help you understand you're struggles and help you work through the issues of not having enough time and helping you create more time with online coaching, group coaching, one-on-one consulting and many other options to help you! 
Not having enough time is an acceptable excuse for most people nowadays. However, you need to be aware that this may be keeping you stuck in many ares of your life and your business. This is excuse you leaves you with not being able to explore opportunities. It is also a way to keep busy and really believe you don't have enough time. The mental energy that's used up on thinking about not having enough time could really reward you if you used it for powerful energy for improving an aspect of your business or just free more time up to do other things. When you are totally focused on a task, you will be more productive. Thinking that you don't have
the time will only create a negative energy that will be detrimental to your success.
When you hear yourself say "I don't have enough time", I encourage you to stop and reflect for a few seconds a consider what you're thinking. If you ever need more help in the time area, feel free to give me a call. I am more than happy to help you work through your problems or suggest one of our helpful programs that help take the stress of you!