Monday, 15 December 2014

Sick of not having enough time to get things done?

How often do you hear yourself saying you don't have enough time?

Okay, so if you're not saying it outloud I bet you're thinking it! It is a normal thing to think "I wish I had more time" when you are running your own business. Constantly, clients are telling me that there just isn't enough hours in the day. It is just a face of life that their isn't enough time, their is only 24 hours in a day and if you are like me that isn't enough time to get the things you need done, done! It is also a fact that some people can achieve more in less time! This is due to their attitude. 
"The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitude of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives". Author and Philosopher, William James.
The attitude of "I don't have enough time" doesn't help the having no time situation. If you have a positive outlook, this will be revealed in your actions and life. Not having enough time is just an excuse, it's often easier to say that you don't have enough time than to make changes in your life to accommodate this. It just means that you aren't willing to look further which is lazy business. 
If we use time as an excuse to often it leaves us stuck; it doesn't open up the opportunity to explore what you can do about it. This is where I come in, I help you understand you're struggles and help you work through the issues of not having enough time and helping you create more time with online coaching, group coaching, one-on-one consulting and many other options to help you! 
Not having enough time is an acceptable excuse for most people nowadays. However, you need to be aware that this may be keeping you stuck in many ares of your life and your business. This is excuse you leaves you with not being able to explore opportunities. It is also a way to keep busy and really believe you don't have enough time. The mental energy that's used up on thinking about not having enough time could really reward you if you used it for powerful energy for improving an aspect of your business or just free more time up to do other things. When you are totally focused on a task, you will be more productive. Thinking that you don't have
the time will only create a negative energy that will be detrimental to your success.
When you hear yourself say "I don't have enough time", I encourage you to stop and reflect for a few seconds a consider what you're thinking. If you ever need more help in the time area, feel free to give me a call. I am more than happy to help you work through your problems or suggest one of our helpful programs that help take the stress of you! 

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