Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Stop pitching, start marketing!

Helen Cowley here, 
Over the course of my career I have heard of a lot of people start a conversation and get right into their accolades, then immediately start pitching themselves to their customers. What is the customer really getting out of the exchange though?

At SBIS March is all about relationship marketing, not pitching! When you pitch, you just talk - you don't connect. Where as when you relationship market, you conduct research and take consideration into what you're doing rather than just talking. 

When you are relationship marketing, people are more likely to come to you because they connect with people that they know, like or trust. How are they supposed to trust someone when they are just being spoken at, rather than too. Know your audience, it is all about connecting!


Marketing is all about staying connected to not only the present, but past and future. Yet staying authentic meaning that you keep in with your vision and mission. You need to be true to yourself and your customers. People don't buy what you do, they buy you and why you do it.

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